Neon Nightmares: Tales of Cyberpunk Horror is a collection of ten spine-chilling stories set in a dystopian future where technology has become the enemy. From glitchy virtual realities to rogue AIs and deadly cybernetic implants, each story explores the terrifying consequences of our reliance on technology.
Enter a world where humanity's greatest fears are realized in the neon-lit streets of a dark and dangerous city. In these pages, you'll encounter hackers who are more than human, virtual worlds that turn deadly, and augmented realities that blur the line between man and machine.
With each turn of the page, you'll be drawn deeper into the shadows of this cyberpunk world, where horror lurks in every corner and technology is both a blessing and a curse. Fans of cyberpunk and horror alike will find themselves unable to put down this gripping collection of tales. Get ready to experience the Neon Nightmares of a future that may be closer than we think.