Before television... video
‘Ever get to read a newspaper? Receive a phone call?.. Make one? Listen to the radio? ‘Know what’s going on in the big, bad world?
So where in the world are you, Peter? Or are you in it at all, at all?"
Brother Peter, a novice in a religious order in an Ireland that no longer exists... a Church that has changed so much in 70 years as to be almost unrecognizable... !950 - '51. A Novitiate year of strict observance, little or no contact with the outside world. Brother Peter is allowed to write a monthly letter to his friend, Michael - letters that give the reader an insight into the church - the religious life - of that time... For all that, there is good humour in these letters. Brother Peter is know to laugh betimes, a laughter that helps to keep his fellow novices from throwing in the towel, opting out...