Spider Dunstan's Teeth


Stolen cars, illicit drugs, George Michael, excessive alcohol, turquoise trousers, a yellowing set of false teeth and a black AMT handgun all feature in this romp through Melbourne's western suburbs in 1983 (or maybe 1984).

Micky and Leroy, two long time ne'er do wells, meet up at their local pub and embark on a night that sees them stealing cars, crashing parties and having a run in with their local drug lords. Along with Wendy and their new friend, Spider Dunstan they try to keep out of trouble an end the night in front. History tells them that they were born to lose, but maybe it will be their night after all.

“Of Mice and Men meets Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels. A sometimes hilarious, fast moving story that will have you engrossed to the very end.”
— S. Smith

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