The Resurrection & Rapture


The Resurrection & Rapture is affirmation of salvation and the love YHWH to mankind. Only through either resurrection or rapture, man was destined to depart from this material world, and acquire the citizenship of the spiritual world and live forever. To Christianity, this is leaving worldly body and dressing into the glorified one.

Proving this theological understanding, we will indulge into various eschatological theories. We will look into hidden secrets of resurrection and the rapture; within the Hebrew wedding, Noakh ark, and what is hidden in Yisrael 7 promised festivals [Pesakh (Passover), Matzah (Unleavened bread), Bikurim (Firstfruit), Shavuot (Pentecostal), Teruah (Trumpets), Kippur/Kfar (Atonement), Sukkot (Tabernacles)].

Very careful we will analyze types of resurrections: resurrection of the Church, resurrections of Eliyah and either Hanok or Mosheh, resurrection during the great tribulations, and resurrection after millennial. Then we will embark on analysis of the rapture: pre-tribulations rapture, mid-tribulations rapture, post-tribulations rapture, and post-millennial rapture. And finally we will address the issue of when is resurrection and the rapture.

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