Sanguisuge Volumes 4-6
Sanguisuge, #3.5
Reeks: Sanguisuge
Sharon Lopez
- Book
- Four:
- Threatened
- by
- the
- clan's
- ancient
- laws—laws
- as
- old
- as
- time
- itself
- —
- Trinity
- and
- Ethan
- are
- left
- with
- a
- gut-wrenching
- decision
- that
- could
- irreversibly
- alter
- their
- destinies.
- A
- visible
- tension
- hangs
- in
- the
- air,
- heavy
- with
- the
- weight
- of
- their
- impending
- choice.
- Differing
- opinions
- press
- down
- on
- the
- family,
- fracturing
- their
- unity
- as
- Trinity
- struggles
- to
- maintain
- harmony
- amidst
- the
- rising
- tide
- of
- conflict.Which
- holds
- greater
- significance:
- the
- birth
- of
- a
- new
- life
- or
- the
- leadership
- of
- the
- clan?
- Which
- decision
- will
- they
- ultimately
- choose?Book
- Five:
- With
- her
- pregnancy
- nearing
- its
- end,
- Trinity
- feels
- the
- weight
- of
- her
- impending
- motherhood
- and
- a
- looming
- conflict.
- The
- friction
- has
- reached
- a
- point
- of
- no
- return,
- making
- war
- inevitable;
- hidden
- in
- the
- shadows,
- evil
- plans
- are
- unfolding,
- their
- malevolent
- designs
- threatening
- global
- stability.
- To
- shield
- her
- family,
- she
- must
- defy
- fate,
- a
- decision
- that
- fills
- her
- with
- a
- mix
- of
- dread
- and
- determination.Book
- Six:
- As
- the
- war
- with
- The
- Rising
- draws
- near,
- Trinity
- learns
- who
- she
- can
- and
- cannot
- trust.
- Times
- are
- now
- one
- of
- fear
- and
- desperation,
- as
- tensions
- rise
- by
- the
- day.
- Each
- interaction
- with
- others
- being
- a
- potential
- trap.
- The
- family
- is
- torn
- asunder
- by
- betrayal
- and
- accusations,
- whilst
- a
- vengeful
- figure
- of
- the
- past
- reemerges.
- Their
- goal
- one
- filled
- with
- violence
- and malice.
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