Sitdowns with Gangsters
My real and terrifying conversations with the world’s most dangerous men
Shaun Attwood
- Featuring
- an
- introduction
- from
- the
- UK's
- bestselling
- true-crime
- author,
- Christopher
- Berry-Dee.Shaun
- Attwood
- is
- the
- man
- who
- talks
- to
- gangsters,
- drug
- lords
- and
- mafia
- bosses.
- Infamously
- known
- for
- his
- time
- as
- the
- head
- of
- an
- international
- ecstasy
- ring
- in
- Arizona,
- Shaun
- has
- since
- turned
- to
- gaining
- the
- trust
- of
- some
- of
- the
- world's
- most
- dangerous
- people,
- interviewing
- and
- questioning
- them
- about
- their
- stories.Collated
- from
- the
- many
- hours
- of
- interview
- material,
- and
- containing
- additional
- content
- exclusive
- to
- the
- book,
- Shaun
- brings
- together
- ten
- powerful
- conversations
- with
- the
- most
- gruesome
- and
- deadly
- gangsters
- of
- recent
- years.Filled
- with
- truthful,
- brutal,
- and
- often
- redemptive
- stories,
- Shaun's
- interviews
- feature
- international
- smugglers,
- mafia
- enforcers
- and
- a
- man
- who
- escaped
- from
- Thailand's
- most
- notorious
- prison.
- Sitdowns
- with
- Gangsters
- is
- an
- unputdownable
- read
- that
- offers
- a
- glimpse
- into
- the
- lives
- and
- inner
- workings
- of
- some
- of
- the
- world's
- most
- fearsome gangsters.
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