Forks in the Road
Shaun Finnie
- Sometimes
- the
- road
- less
- traveled
- leads
- to
- the
- greatest
- delights.
- stories
- go
- exactly
- as
- you'd
- expect
- them
- to.
- But
- others
- take
- an
- unusual
- twist,
- an
- unexpected
- fork
- in
- the
- road.
- These
- eighteen
- little
- tales
- are
- guaranteed
- to
- surprise
- you
- as
- they
- head
- in
- unforeseen
- directions.Branch
- off
- the
- main
- route.
- Take
- one
- of
- the
- smaller
- Forks
- in
- the Road.
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