MYTHIC #20: Jan/Feb 2023
Shaun Kilgore
- A
- new
- issue
- of
- has
- arrived!This
- latest
- one,
- Issue
- #20:
- January/February
- 2023,
- is
- the
- first
- scheduled
- in
- the
- now
- bi-monthly
- reoccurring
- publication
- of
- the
- popular
- science
- fiction
- and
- fantasy
- magazine.
- Inside
- you'll
- find
- original
- short
- fiction
- "Tally
- and
- Raul"
- by
- Mark
- Bilsborough,
- "The
- Clockwork
- World"
- by
- Aaron
- Emmel,
- "The
- Shattered
- Spirit"
- by
- Tom
- Jolly,
- plus
- reprints
- "Hellhold"
- by
- Sean
- Patrick
- Hazlett,
- "Set
- for
- Life"
- by
- Warren
- Benedetto
- and
- "Inheritance"
- by
- Shaun
- Kilgore.
- Also
- included:
- A
- new
- book
- review
- by
- Frank Kaminski.
pro-mbooks3 : libris