Finding My Way: the torn years
Sheldon Porter
- Sheldon
- Porter
- is
- an
- assertive
- Writing
- and
- Literature
- major
- who
- has
- captured
- the
- attention
- of
- administrators
- at
- his
- college.
- When
- Sheldon
- accepts
- an
- invitation
- from
- the
- administration
- to
- represent
- his
- college
- in
- a
- nationwide
- essay
- writing
- contest,
- he
- soon
- discovers
- that
- to
- have
- even
- a
- chance
- of
- winning,
- he'll
- have
- to
- confront
- memories,
- and
- a
- host
- of
- emotions
- that
- he
- thought
- he'd
- locked
- away—ironically,
- the
- same
- repressed
- memories
- that
- have
- driven
- him
- to
- excel.Finding
- My
- Way:
- the
- torn
- years,
- is
- a
- memoir
- that
- reflects
- upon
- the
- rites
- of
- passage
- through
- which
- every
- teen
- must
- travel
- on
- his
- or
- her
- journey
- to
- adulthood.
- Sheldon's
- account
- will
- inspire
- teenagers
- experiencing
- the
- pain
- of
- not
- fitting
- in,
- peer
- pressure,
- bullying,
- and
- wrestling
- with
- societal
- expectations.
- Finding
- My
- Way
- also
- encourages
- adults
- who
- may
- feel
- that
- in
- the
- course
- of
- living,
- they
- missed
- their
- chance
- to
- explore
- their
- dreams
- and
- life
- potential.Whirling
- through
- a
- weaving
- music-based
- theme
- that
- underscores
- his
- memory
- of
- the
- community
- in
- which
- he
- was
- raised,
- Sheldon's
- thoughtful
- account
- brings
- us
- with
- him
- through
- a
- nostalgic,
- candid,
- sad
- and
- sometimes
- humorous
- journey
- back
- to
- his
- childhood
- in
- Crown
- Heights,
- Brooklyn,
- New York.