On The Bright Side
Shelli R. Johannes
- "Johannes
- kicks
- off...with
- this
- fresh
- novel
- about
- an
- angel's
- peripatetic
- path
- to
- earning
- her
- wings...A
- humorous
- addition
- to
- the
- angel
- story
- genre."
- —Publishers
- WeeklyAs
- if
- the
- devil's
- food
- cake
- at
- her
- wake
- and
- the
- white
- fat
- pants
- she's
- stuck
- wearing
- for
- eternity
- weren't
- bad
- enough,
- tween
- angel
- Gabby
- is
- quick
- to
- discover
- that
- being
- a
- Bright
- can
- be
- fun.
- The
- city
- of
- Cirrus,
- Skyphones,
- and
- InnerNets
- are
- all
- the
- rage.
- And
- working
- through
- the
- training
- levels
- to
- get
- her
- wings
- doesn't
- seem
- too
- hard.At
- the
- ceremony,
- Gabby
- is
- horrified
- to
- find
- out
- that
- she
- has
- to
- protect
- her
- school
- nemesis
- and
- ex-beffie,
- Angela,
- who
- is
- now
- dating
- Gabby's
- mega-crush.
- But
- instead
- of
- protecting
- Angela,
- Gabby
- plays
- a
- few
- pranks
- (since
- when
- is
- sticking
- toilet
- paper
- to
- her
- shoe
- or
- putting
- spinach
- in
- her
- teeth
- a
- sin?).
- They
- seem
- harmless
- until
- the
- school
- dance
- sabotage
- gets
- out
- of
- control,
- forcing
- her
- SKYAgent,
- Clarence
- (with
- anger
- management
- issues
- of
- his
- own)
- to
- put
- her
- on
- probation,
- threatening
- her
- eternal
- future.Determined
- to
- right
- her
- wrongs
- and
- fix
- the
- mess
- she
- caused,
- Gabby
- steals
- an
- ancient
- artifact
- that
- allows
- her
- to
- return
- to
- Earth
- for
- just
- one
- day.
- This
- violation
- unknowingly
- kicks
- off
- a
- series
- of
- events
- and
- unleashes
- a
- dark
- side.
- Gabby
- soon
- learns
- what
- can
- happen
- when
- you
- hate
- someone
- to
- death."ON
- is
- hilarious
- and
- heart-warming
- –
- a
- tale
- that'll
- have
- you
- hoping
- that
- spunky
- and
- determined
- angels
- like
- Gabby
- exist
- and
- have
- our
- backs."
- -
- Kristin
- O'Donnell
- Tubb,
- author
- of
- several
- middle-grade
- novels,
- including
- The
- Decomposition
- of
- Jack,
- Luna
- Howls
- at
- the
- Moon,
- and
- The
- Story Seekers.
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