She Persisted: Florence Nightingale
Reeks: She Persisted
Shelli R. Johannes ; Chelsea Clinton
- Inspired
- by
- the
- #1
- New
- York
- Times
- bestseller
- She
- Persisted
- by
- Chelsea
- Clinton
- and
- Alexandra
- Boiger,
- a
- chapter
- book
- series
- about
- women
- who
- spoke
- up
- and
- rose
- up
- against
- the
- odds--including
- Florence
- Nightingale!When
- Florence
- Nightingale
- decided
- as
- a
- teenager
- that
- she
- wanted
- to
- become
- a
- nurse,
- her
- parents
- tried
- to
- talk
- her
- out
- of
- it,
- claiming
- that
- it
- wasn't
- a
- suitable
- profession
- for
- a
- woman.
- But
- she
- persisted
- in
- her
- career
- and
- went
- on
- to
- save
- countless
- lives
- of
- patients,
- especially
- of
- soldiers.
- Known
- as
- "The
- Lady
- with
- the
- Lamp,"
- she
- is
- widely
- considered
- to
- be
- the
- founder
- of
- modern
- nursing.In
- this
- chapter
- book
- biography
- by
- critically
- acclaimed
- author
- Shelli
- R.
- Johannes,
- readers
- learn
- about
- the
- amazing
- life
- of
- Florence
- Nightingale--and
- how
- she
- persisted.Complete
- with
- an
- introduction
- from
- Chelsea
- Clinton,
- black-and-white
- illustrations
- throughout,
- and
- a
- list
- of
- ways
- that
- readers
- can
- follow
- in
- Florence
- Nightingale's
- footsteps
- and
- make
- a
- difference!
- A
- perfect
- choice
- for
- kids
- who
- love
- learning
- and
- teachers
- who
- want
- to
- bring
- inspiring
- women
- into
- their
- curriculum.And
- don’t
- miss
- out
- on
- the
- rest
- of
- the
- books
- in
- the
- She
- Persisted
- series,
- featuring
- so
- many
- more
- women
- who
- persisted,
- including
- Sally
- Ride,
- Rosalind
- Franklin,
- Temple
- Grandin,
- and more!