Mary Simmons is experiencing unsettling emotions during the holiday season. She has divorced an irresponsible husband, lost an elite home, luxury car, and an administrative position when the bank closed its doors without notice. Christmas is only a few days away and even with two jobs, it isn't certain there will be enough money to pay for her children's few gifts in layaway. She misses the smiles and happy times once shared. Their dreams are as dismal as the dreary place they now must call home. Is there still such a thing as Christmas joy?
David Johnson is on the opposite end of the spectrum with a six-figure executive position and lives in an affluent neighborhood. However, he also is dealing with the Christmas requiem. He lives alone. His adored children live some distance away with their mother. And the job he holds no longer has the challenges that once excited him. There is no one with whom he can share the promise of a beautiful future. Or, is there?