Everyday AI: Making Artificial Intelligence Easy and Practical
Shrijan Prakash
- This
- book
- aimed
- to
- equip
- you
- with
- the
- knowledge
- and
- confidence
- to
- harness
- the
- power
- of
- AI
- in
- your
- daily
- life.
- As
- AI
- continues
- to
- evolve,
- so
- too
- will
- your
- opportunities
- to
- innovate
- and
- solve
- new
- challenges.
- Keep
- learning,
- stay
- curious,
- and
- don't
- hesitate
- to
- experiment
- with
- the
- tools
- and
- techniques
- you've
- discovered.
- The
- future
- is
- bright,
- and
- with
- AI,
- you
- have
- the
- power
- to
- shape it.