
Sidney left his family devastated without any hope that they will ever see him again as he was transferred from United Bulawayo Hospital to Parirenyatwa Hospital in Harare because he was very sick. It was made worse when they were later told that he had a rare cancer that had gotten him paralyzed and he had only a few days to live. It only needed God’s intervention to change the situation. The family’s joy and celebration at his graduation was short lived. The plan to grow his business in order to improve their lives was shattered. The only reasonable thing to do was to hope for a miracle from God. What else could they do when faced by two deadly enemies: rare cancer and paralysis? The whole family decides to hold on to the helm. They decide to look nowhere else but to the hills where they are very sure help will come from. Throughout this book, the authors narrate with passion his walk with God where others thought he was in a jungle or dungeon. It is indeed a walk with God: not for him alone, but for the whole family.

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