In the seemingly quiet mountain town of Canadee, a brutal serial killer is on the prowl, leaving a trail of bodies in their wake. Chief Medical Examiner Dr. Rayna Pierce, known best for her scientific expertise, spearheads the forensic investigation into the string of strange murders.
After Rayna discovers an ominous object at the latest crime scene, her world is flipped upside down. With her mind cluttered by the sinister medallion, Rayna descends into a spiral of psychological torment, haunted by inexplicable voices. Unsettling flashbacks from previous victims torment her mind. What was once serene Canadee transforms into a realm of fear and paranoia as Rayna grapples with her unraveling sanity.
In this heart-racing tale of graphically horrifying, paranormal mysteries, Rayna must race against time to decipher the muddled hallucinations and expose the true identity of the killer. Can she unmask the terrors haunting this once-normal town? Or will the next victim fall prey to the killer's malevolence? Canadee holds its breath, anticipating the chilling answers that await among the Crimson Chains.