Namibia Beloved Country


Corruption and greed goes hand to hand in Africa through those who had gone to fight for liberating the country Namibia. Once in power they plunder, steal and destroy the country and it`s resources through devious deals made with foreigners. We as a nation must become aware of they under hand methods and must enlighten each other to the fact of whats happening. That`s what this publication is about to informed the masses and open their eyes so that we can break free from economic and financial lack and become a nation who are prospering on all levels. We still had a long fight ahead of us and by informing the people is to prepare them on what must be faced ahead. We had to rid us selves from this greedy individuals leading us. Try we must to become a strong nation by building on a foundation of truth and justice in order to thrive. To free us from this foreign elements grabbing our national resources to enrich themselves. We need to become one in nationality so as to fight of corrupt elements in our midst and send them were they belong as crooks and gangsters.

pro-mbooks3 : libris