Thunderclouds over the Namib


Cold-calculating, John McGregor`s a real bastard for lack of a better word. Yes, he is. To those who break the law, he took an oath to uphold. Not an ounce of compassion is embedded in his physique for those in the wrong. Hard-lined and diligent in his duty, believing duty before everything else first.

Analyzing and shrewd, the German, Garth Schultz, always observes, creates virtual scenarios, and plays with different angles. Shrewd is his middle name, and a watcher would never be able to discern where his attention is directed. He missed his vocation. A professional poker player is where he should have been.

The Englishman, Andrew Hill, is a planner and schemer. He always figures and plans ways to engage, where and whom he should visit, compile evidence, or get the man he is after. His life experiences are designed excursions to make him move forward in life.

John wears the rank of lieutenant at his local law enforcement unit. He is regarded as the most diligent detective in his department. Garth Schults wears the rank of sergeant in his local unit. His cunning has no bounds among his peers. He`s head of narcotics in his native country. Chief Inspector Andrew Hill, is an individual who believes in planning before action. For him planning is everything and his second nature; he believes in it as the Christians believe in Jesus Christ.

Interpol chooses these three as law-enforcing agents in their fight against crime on the international stage. This is because of the outstanding work they did in their respective communities. Interpol needing diligence sweeps long and hard to find them. They put them on the tail of ruthless gang boss Wang Chi and his conglomerate of bad boys. The spoor leads them to Africa and the newly independent Namibia. Where the liberators who fought the liberation war become the rulers. They look for investors due to the need for money after the long-drawn-out battle. Never mind if it is the unscrupulous because they're not so clean themselves. Our detectives follow the spoor in Africa having a blast along the way.

pro-mbooks3 : libris