- London
- has
- many
- ancient
- buildings,
- such
- as
- Big
- Ben
- and
- Tower
- Bridge,
- which
- carry
- the
- stories
- of
- the
- past.
- It
- is
- a
- palace
- of
- culture
- and
- art,
- with
- the
- British
- Museum
- and
- the
- National
- Gallery.
- London
- has
- a
- long
- history,
- and
- Buckingham
- Palace
- and
- Westminster
- Abbey
- have
- witnessed
- many
- important
- moments.
- At
- the
- same
- time,
- it
- is
- full
- of
- modern
- vitality,
- a
- financial
- and
- technological
- center,
- and
- fashionable.
- London
- is
- also
- a
- diverse
- and
- inclusive
- city
- where
- different
- cultures
- blend.
- In
- short,
- London
- is
- extraordinary
- and
- worthy
- of
- people's
- praise
- and exploration.
pro-mbooks3 : libris