Vibration of Continuous Systems
Singiresu S. Rao
- A
- revised
- and
- up-to-date
- guide
- to
- advanced
- vibration
- analysis
- written
- by
- a
- noted
- expertThe
- revised
- and
- updated
- second
- edition
- of
- Vibration
- of
- Continuous
- Systems
- offers
- a
- guide
- to
- all
- aspects
- of
- vibration
- of
- continuous
- systems
- including:
- derivation
- of
- equations
- of
- motion,
- exact
- and
- approximate
- solutions
- and
- computational
- aspects.
- The
- author—a
- noted
- expert
- in
- the
- field—reviews
- all
- possible
- types
- of
- continuous
- structural
- members
- and
- systems
- including
- strings,
- shafts,
- beams,
- membranes,
- plates,
- shells,
- three-dimensional
- bodies,
- and
- composite
- structural
- members.Designed
- to
- be
- a
- useful
- aid
- in
- the
- understanding
- of
- the
- vibration
- of
- continuous
- systems,
- the
- book
- contains
- exact
- analytical
- solutions,
- approximate
- analytical
- solutions,
- and
- numerical
- solutions.
- All
- the
- methods
- are
- presented
- in
- clear
- and
- simple
- terms
- and
- the
- second
- edition
- offers
- a
- more
- detailed
- explanation
- of
- the
- fundamentals
- and
- basic
- concepts.
- Vibration
- of
- Continuous
- Systems
- revised
- second
- edition:Written
- for
- professors,
- students
- of
- mechanics
- of
- vibration
- courses,
- and
- researchers,
- the
- revised
- second
- edition
- of
- Vibration
- of
- Continuous
- Systems
- offers
- an
- authoritative
- guide
- filled
- with
- illustrative
- examples
- of
- the
- theory,
- computational
- details,
- and
- applications
- of
- vibration
- of
- continuous systems.