The New Atlantis
Sir Francis Bacon
- The
- New
- Atlantis
- is
- a
- utopian
- novel
- by
- Sir
- Francis
- Bacon.
- In
- this
- work,
- Bacon
- portrayed
- a
- vision
- of
- the
- future
- of
- human
- discovery
- and
- knowledge,
- expressing
- his
- aspirations
- and
- ideals
- for
- humankind.
- The
- novel
- depicts
- the
- creation
- of
- a
- utopian
- land
- where
- "generosity
- and
- enlightenment,
- dignity
- and
- splendor,
- piety
- and
- public
- spirit"
- are
- the
- commonly
- held
- qualities
- of
- the
- inhabitants
- of
- "Bensalem".
- The
- plan
- and
- organization
- of
- his
- ideal
- college,
- "Salomon's
- House"
- envisioned
- the
- modern
- research
- university
- in
- both
- applied
- and
- pure
- sciences.
- Many
- aspects
- of
- the
- society
- and
- history
- of
- the
- island
- are
- described,
- such
- as
- the
- christian
- religion
- -
- which
- is
- reported
- to
- have
- being
- born
- there
- as
- a
- copy
- of
- the
- Bible
- and
- a
- letter
- from
- the
- Apostle
- Saint
- Bartholomew
- arrived
- there
- miraculously,
- a
- few
- years
- after
- the
- Ascension
- of
- Jesus;
- a
- cultural
- feast
- in
- honor
- of
- the
- family
- institution,
- called
- "the
- Feast
- of
- the
- Family";
- a
- college
- of
- sages,
- the
- Salomon's
- House,
- "the
- very
- eye
- of
- the kingdom".
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