Trust 1 Lord


This is lord talking to you from heaven above, the words in this book are coming from me. The author channeled with me the 1611 King James Bible to create this story. This book was written for the author to understand what lord is trying to say to the author about life here. To understand in lords' words how we were created on this planet. Now that the author is familiar with lords' way of living. The author now can learn another way of living life that is more directed towards what the author's lord wants.

The author had negative thoughts and had constant suffering internally. Upon getting advice, the author found a person that cleared Akashic records. This concept was new to the author. After the clearing was done the author felt better and took a course on Akashic record clearing. To understand what is currently on a souls Akashic record, the use of a pointed stone hanging from a chain was needed for the class. At first the stone would not move, but with persistence and time it would move. Understand, trust yourself.

The author performed free readings but received disrespect from most of these people, it was discouraging. So, instead of helping others, the author used this information to help self-heal on a regular basis. When the mind would race with negative thoughts the author was advised to write these thoughts down. At this point the author was taught to clear each one of these wounds one at a time, and this eliminated negative thoughts. The information and guidance came from using the pointed stone attached to a chain.

After some time, the author started talking to lord. When this happened, lord started to listen and responded by telling the author to use the hands instead of the pointed stone and chain for guidance. Then was taught to spell out words with both hands and then with each word using only the first letter of each word was necessary to confirm the voice of lord in the head. It took a year to learn this entire process.

After this the author was guided to read the bible, not wanting too though. Lord made the author read this book three times, to learn the hand guidance, before he started guiding this short story, called channeling. Each scripture was chosen specifically by lord then it was arranged according to timeline. The guidance from lord was always, trust lord.

pro-mbooks3 : libris