Prepper: Surviving the Tough Times Ahead
Someone You Know
- At
- over
- 200
- pages,
- (.pdf
- version)
- and
- 100
- illustrations,
- this
- book
- is
- a
- 16
- chapter
- guide
- covering:
- Mental
- Preparation,
- Emergency
- Evacuation
- Kits
- and
- Caches,
- Air,
- Shelter,
- Water,
- Food,
- Medical,
- Protection,
- Communications,
- Transportation,
- Clothing,
- Information,
- Financial,
- Power
- Production,
- Kit
- and
- Suggested
- Readings
- and
- Additional
- Resources.Each
- chapter
- covers
- important
- information
- for
- you
- and
- your
- family
- to
- use
- to
- get
- ready
- before
- tough
- times.
- Prepper:
- Surviving
- the
- Tough
- Times
- Ahead
- also
- offers
- information
- on
- how
- to
- survive
- during
- tough
- times.Reading
- the
- 'free'
- sample
- will
- help
- you
- and
- your
- family
- make
- good
- decisions
- and
- avoid
- making
- common
- mental
- mistakes.
- It
- will
- also
- provide
- a
- method
- for
- you
- and
- your
- family
- to
- inventory
- your
- supplies,
- organize
- your
- purchases,
- and
- more.In
- other
- chapters,
- like
- "Chapter
- Three:
- Air,"
- you
- will
- learn
- about
- inspecting
- and
- purchasing
- a
- gas
- mask
- to
- protect
- yourselves
- from
- a
- chemical
- weapons
- attack.
- In
- "Chapter
- Six:
- Food,"
- you
- and
- your
- family
- will
- learn
- about
- buying
- and
- storing
- food
- for
- a
- short,
- medium,
- and
- long-term
- event.
- In
- "Chapter
- Seven:
- Medical,"
- your
- family
- will
- learn
- about
- protecting
- yourself
- from
- diseases,
- proper
- waste
- disposal,
- important
- preparations
- for
- women
- preppers,
- and
- much
- more.In
- "Chapter
- Eight:
- Protection,"
- your
- family
- will
- learn
- about
- selecting
- appropriate
- firearms
- for
- protection.
- It
- will
- also
- provide
- information
- about
- other
- protective
- equipment
- like
- body
- armour
- and
- non-firearms
- for
- your
- family
- to
- use
- during
- tough
- times.In
- "Chapter
- Nine:
- Communications"
- common
- radios
- are
- discussed,
- so
- your
- family
- can
- be
- informed
- before
- and
- during
- an
- event.
- In
- "Chapter
- Eleven:
- Clothing,"
- you
- will
- learn
- about
- the
- important
- clothing,
- you
- and
- your
- family
- will
- need
- during
- an
- event.
- In
- 'Chapter
- Thirteen:
- Financial,"
- you
- and
- your
- partner
- will
- learn
- about
- buying
- silver
- and
- gold,
- why
- 'cash'
- is
- important
- during
- and
- after
- an
- event,
- and
- much
- more.Lastly,
- "Suggested
- Readings
- and
- Additional
- Resources"
- will
- provide
- much
- more
- information
- and
- resources
- for
- your
- family
- to
- use
- to
- prepare
- for
- an event.