The Gospel of the Kailedy, which means Wise Strangers, is a compilation of The Book of John the Baptist and The Book of the Natsarim, commonly translated as Nasorine or Nazarene, and is usually published as one text. There are several copies available online both digitally, and in print. Most of those are public-domain works without modifications.
The book you are about to read is compiled and edited for your reading pleasure. The two books are separate and chapter and verse numbers are added for easy reference. The names of the Father and the Son are restored, while the other terms are in plain English.
The text is sectioned by topic and each section has a topic heading. Perhaps the most noteworthy modification is that Scripture references for as many sentences as possible have been painstakingly added to help display the parallels between this book and the Scriptures. This also helps support the validity of the text. In addition, the words spoken by our Savior are in red.
May this book bless you, your family, and all you share it with.