Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba has repeatedly emphasised that Namasmarana is the best exercise to reinforce Prema (supreme love) towards God. Bhagawan Baba explains further, "When the Name of the Lord is remembered with all the glory that is associated with it, a great flood of Ananda (Bliss) wells up in the mind. It is so easy in this Kali age to win the grace of the Lord."
Bhagawan has dwelt at length on Namasmarana and Nama Sankirtan as a spiritual Sadhana for the devotees, in His various discourses, right from the early years of His Avatarhood. Nama Mahima is a compilation of Swami's message to the devotees, dedicated at the Lotus Feet of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.