Gauri Festival is one of the most important parvas that comes in the month of Bhadrapada. Though it is generally known as 'Gauri Habba', the sastraic name happens to be 'Svar?aGaurivrata'. This is because this festival is unique and has distinct features compared to other vratas pertaining to Gauri such as 'Saubhagyagauri', 'Sampadgauri', 'ma?galagauri', 'Lava?yagauri', 'Trilocanagauri', 'Gajagauri' etc. Though all these are Gauri festivals, 'Svar?aGaurivrata' is the most famous of these, and the practice of calling only this as 'Gauri festival' is in vogue. It is like the ordinary people calling the sa?krama?a of makara masa only as 'sa?kranti' specially, even though sa?krama?as occur every month. Likewise, this festival which is special, is called as 'Gaurivrata'. All over India, people in large numbers celebrate this festival.