Sa?kranti is one of the most important festivals of the Sanatana Arya Bharatiyas. In scriptures it is called by other names such as Sa?kranti, Makarasa?kranti, Makarasa?krama?a, Makarasa?krama?a, and Uttaraya?a pu?yakala also. In Tamil Nadu it is called Pongal. Common people also call this as 'Ellina Habba'. Though the distribution of sesame is in vougue in the next festival also i.e. 'rathasaptami', it is only Sa?kranti which is renownedly associated with the significance and fame pertaining to the gifting of sesame, and thus is well known as E??ina habba. The Kannada proveb "E??u bellava tindu o??eya mathana?u' owes it's origin to this festival.