Moreover, When Ye Fast


Fasting is a powerful way to serve and glorify God.

Throughout the Bible we see how fasting and prayer shaped and molded some of God's mightiest people.
Today, fasting and prayer is not given the priority that it should. It is often shoved to the backburner, left as an option for Christians, something they can choose to do if they "feel led" to do so.

And yet, Jesus did not say "If you fast," He said "WHEN you fast."

It is not an option.

If you want to grow more fully in God and reap all of the blessings that He has for you, then fasting will become a regular part of your service to Him.

If you want a deeper walk, to reflect Jesus in all that you do, then you will incorporate fasting and prayer into your life so that it is as much a part of your life as reading your Bible and daily prayer.

Fasting is for now.
Fasting is for YOU.

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