In a world ruled by ancient prophecies and bloodline curses, Caitlin faces a looming and deadly fate. Every child in her family born under the third moon is destined to die on their twelfth birthday. For centuries, the curse has claimed the lives of countless children, each falling victim to the relentless grip of Lethanor, a dark and malevolent force bound to the curse itself. No one has survived beyond the dreaded age—until now.
With Caitlin's twelfth birthday fast approaching, the curse grows stronger by the day, and her health begins to rapidly deteriorate. Once full of life, Caitlin now weakens with each passing hour, her body succumbing to the inevitable end that has claimed so many before her. Yet, unlike the others, Caitlin shares an extraordinary bond with her older sister, Sarah—a bond that might be their only hope to break the curse.
As Caitlin's strength fades, Sarah embarks on a desperate journey to uncover the dark secrets of their bloodline and seek a way to stop the curse before it's too late. Sarah's quest leads her into dangerous and forbidden territories, where hidden truths about her family and the curse are revealed. But as time slips away and Caitlin's condition worsens, the bond between the sisters—once their greatest strength—begins to fracture under the weight of fear, uncertainty, and sacrifice.
With Lethanor's shadow drawing closer, Sarah must confront the unimaginable, risking everything to save her sister. But as the curse intensifies, the sinister force behind it grows more powerful, threatening to tear the sisters apart forever. As Caitlin's twelfth birthday draws near, only their unbreakable connection holds the key to defeating Lethanor and shattering the curse that has plagued their bloodline for generations.
"Born by the Third Moon, Guarded by Blood" is a haunting tale of courage, sacrifice, and the powerful bond between siblings. Together, Caitlin and Sarah must face unimaginable darkness and defy the fate that has claimed so many, before time runs out.