In trying to find good, unbiased resources to help speculate in the Dow Jones Emini
Futures market I came up empty-handed, so an idea for this publication was born. I
found my own resources and now I am passing this on to you. How can you trade a
market if there is very little information to help you learn? How do you know what
answers you need if you don't even know what questions to ask? The intent here is
to help the uninitiated and inexperienced along with traders from other financial
markets toward developing a trading plan.
When attempting to make money in financial markets there is an overwhelming
amount of information that has to be considered before even placing your first
trade. Money can be made in Bullish (Long) and Bearish (Short) market
conditions. How do you know which way to go? Read on.
The Dow Jones Emini Futures market offers trend trading opportunities unlike any
other market. By trend trading there is such an incredible amount of potential that
can be put to use in a way that doesn’t exist in the world of day trading stocks. The
charts shown here trended 100 pts. or more.
The setups shown here worked. A traffic signal may show a green light. How many
accidents happen at intersections? You may, just like an unsuspecting driver, be
blindsided at any time. Just because these setups worked doesn't mean that a
similar setup is immune to failure. Use stops. Use margin correctly and never bet
more than you can afford to lose!