The Sound of Silence
Reeks: A Chief Inspector Robert Casey Short Story
Stephen E Pennykid
- The
- third
- short
- story
- in
- this
- series
- sees
- ex-Chief
- Inspector
- Robert
- Casey
- looking
- back
- at
- his
- first
- involvement
- in
- a
- murder
- investigation
- in
- an
- effort
- to
- identify
- the
- sender
- of
- the
- package
- which
- so
- intrigued
- him
- and
- upset
- his
- equilibrium
- in
- the
- previous
- story.
- would
- his
- unofficial
- investigations
- affect
- his
- retirement
- plans,
- his
- relationship
- with
- his
- ex-colleagues
- and
- more
- importantly
- his
- relationship
- with
- his
- wife?
- Would
- they
- lead
- him
- down
- a
- dangerous path?
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