Vertical Coffin
A Shane Scully Novel
Reeks: Shane Scully Novels
Stephen J. Cannell
- A
- nightmarish
- series
- of
- events
- sweeps
- LAPD's
- Sergeant
- Shane
- Scully
- and
- his
- wife
- (and
- boss),
- Alexa,
- into
- the
- vortex
- of
- an
- enormous,
- jurisdictional
- firestorm.First,
- a
- sheriff's
- deputy,
- a
- friend
- of
- Shane's,
- is
- gunned
- down
- while
- serving
- a
- routine
- search
- warrant.
- His
- fellow
- deputies
- blame
- the
- incident
- on
- the
- Bureau
- of
- Alcohol,
- Tobacco
- and
- Firearms,
- whom
- they
- angrily
- accuse
- of
- having
- failed
- to
- warn
- them
- that
- the
- suspect
- had
- a
- huge
- arsenal
- of
- illegal
- weapons
- in
- his
- house.Soon
- thereafter,
- a
- member
- of
- the
- Situation
- Response
- Team
- is
- shot
- to
- death,
- followed
- by
- the
- sniper
- murder
- of
- the
- Sheriff's
- Special
- Enforcement
- Bureau.
- At
- the
- request
- of
- the
- Mayor,
- as
- an
- uninvolved
- and
- unbiased
- agency,
- assigns
- Shane
- Scully
- to
- investigate.He
- is
- given
- an
- impossible
- deadline
- to
- find
- a
- solution
- before
- these
- two
- elite
- and
- deadly
- Teams
- kill
- each
- other
- off
- amid
- a
- hurricane
- of
- horrible
- publicity.
- Shane
- pursues
- his
- investigation
- in
- a
- direction
- that
- neither
- his
- chief
- nor
- his
- wife
- agrees
- with,
- and
- succeeds
- in
- putting
- himself,
- his
- loved
- ones,
- and
- his
- career
- in
- terrible
- jeopardy
- before
- he
- finally
- discovers
- the
- shocking
- and
- deadly truth.
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