The Story of Organized Crime in Canada
Stephen Schneider
- Canada
- is
- lauded
- the
- world
- over
- as
- a
- law
- abiding,
- peaceful
- country
- -
- a
- shining
- example
- to
- all
- nations.
- Such
- a
- view,
- also
- shared
- by
- most
- Canadians,
- is
- typically
- naïve
- and
- misinformed.
- Throughout
- its
- history,
- to
- present
- day
- and
- beyond,
- Canada
- has
- been
- and
- will
- continue
- to
- be
- home
- to
- criminals
- and
- crime
- organizations
- that
- are
- brilliant
- at
- finding
- ways
- to
- make
- money
- -
- a
- lot
- of
- money
- -
- illegally.Iced:
- The
- Story
- of
- Organized
- Crime
- in
- Canada
- is
- a
- remarkable
- parallel
- history
- to
- the
- one
- generally
- accepted
- and
- taught
- in
- our
- schools.
- Organized
- crime
- has
- had
- a
- significant
- impact
- on
- the
- shaping
- of
- this
- country
- and
- the
- lives
- of
- its
- people.
- The
- most
- violent
- and
- thuggish
- -
- outlaw
- motorcycle
- gangs
- like
- Hells
- Angels
- -
- have
- been
- raised
- to
- mythic
- proportions.
- The
- families
- who
- owned
- distilleries
- during
- Prohibition,
- such
- as
- the
- Bronfmans,
- built
- vast
- fortunes
- that
- today
- are
- vested
- in
- corporate
- holdings.
- The
- mafia
- in
- Montreal
- created
- and
- controlled
- the
- largest
- heroin
- and
- cocaine
- smuggling
- empire
- in
- the
- world,
- feeding
- the
- insatiable
- appetite
- of
- our
- American
- neighbours.
- Today,
- gangs
- are
- laying
- waste
- the
- streets
- of
- Vancouver,
- and
- "BC
- bud"
- flows
- into
- the
- U.S.
- as
- the
- marijuana
- of
- choice.Organized
- crime
- is
- as
- old
- as
- this
- nation's
- founding,
- with
- pirates
- ravaging
- the
- east
- coast,
- even
- as
- hired
- guns
- by
- colonial
- governments.
- Since
- our
- nation's
- earliest
- times,
- government
- and
- crime
- groups
- have
- found
- that
- collusion
- can
- have
- its
- mutual
- benefits.Comprehensive,
- informative
- and
- entertaining
- -
- as
- you
- will
- discover
- in
- the
- remarkable
- period
- pieces
- devised
- by
- the
- author
- and
- the
- illustrations
- commissioned
- specially
- for
- this
- book
- -
- Iced
- is
- a
- romp
- across
- the
- nation
- and
- across
- the
- centuries.
- In
- these
- pages
- you
- will
- meet
- crime
- groups
- that
- are
- at
- once
- sordid
- and
- inept,
- yet
- resourceful
- entrepreneurs
- and
- self-proclaimed
- champions
- of
- the
- underdog,
- who
- operate
- in
- full
- sight
- of
- their
- communities
- and
- the
- law.
- This
- is
- the
- definitive
- book
- on
- organized
- crime
- in
- Canada,
- and
- a
- unique
- contribution
- to
- our
- understanding
- of
- Canadian history.
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