From Gudgeon To Carp


From gudgeon to carp is the story of an angler and his fishing life so far, plus all of the adventures along the way. It describes his progression from catching small fish on the canal as a young boy, through many different species of fish, and larger and yet larger quarry. But all these different fish lead on to the ultimate prize - Carp.
At the time of writing, the author has been an angler for over forty years and for the last twenty years he has fished almost exclusively for carp. He has not sought publicity or fished the high profile circuit waters, preferring instead to fish on the quieter less pressured venues. This does not make him any less of angler however, as the capture of many large carp, including a personal best mirror carp of 48 lbs.6 oz. would seem to testify.
Although predominantly about angling, this is a book that can be enjoyed by non-anglers too, as page after page reveals all the ups and downs that he experiences in search of his obsession.
Names have been changed to protect the innocent, but the story is almost totally true, or as near as the authors fading memory would allow.

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