As a Matter of Fact...


America is now a nation divided along ideological and economic lines and those divisions threaten to tear the very fabric of the nation apart. This book was not written for your reading pleasure, it is a resource book for those who seek the truth to the myriad of lies that are mega-phoned into America’s collective psyche 24 hours a day 7 days a week. The Table of Contents lists all the subjects within the book with links to each and return links to the Table of Contents at the end of each subject. You get presented with questionable facts or figures, you will have the truth within seconds with this book. America has slowly been dumbed down for the last 30 years or so to the point that almost half of our population believes the lies to be the truth no matter what facts you show them otherwise. This will be one of the most important elections ever in American history and will set the future for our children and their children and whether they enjoy the freedoms that we have or have them ripped away by an oligarchy ruled by the highest bidder. We need to ensure that the people of America are well informed so their resolve is not thwarted by lies or distortion of facts.

What if you found out that for the past thirty years you had been lied to by people who have an agenda for America that is different from what your vision is for America, your future and the futures of your children and grand-children? That you had been told lies by an organization that uses its vast wealth to subvert our democracy for its own agenda. These are the people who pushed to relax and then do away with the Banking Act of 1933, more commonly known as the Glass-Steagall Act. That Act kept America safe for over seventy years from another Great Depression like economic event. The demolishing of that Act breached the wall that had been in place to prevent the investment banks from using depositor’s funds from the commercial banking side of their business, what the banks did leading up to the 1929 Stock markets crashes and bank failures. Once the inevitable crash happened in 2008, this organization has fought any meaningful reform of the financial sector so that the too-big-to-fail banks are right back at playing casino-type investing with depositors funds as shown by the admission of JP Morgan-Chase that it lost 2 billion dollars that it had invested in the same highly speculative derivative-securities markets that were a big part of the 2008 collapse of the world’s economy.

This book has been written to present the truth to the lies mega-phoned by the politicians and pundits on the right, who get rich feeding those lies to the American Public. The information provided has been thoroughly researched over the past 13 years and sources have been provided where applicable. This book was not written to change anyone’s mind about anything, just providing the facts for anyone who still has an open mind and who cares about what is happening to our America.

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