When Absalom Falls
Southern Magic, #3
Reeks: Southern Magic
Steven F. Warnock
- Absalom
- Falls,
- a
- small
- town
- nestled
- in
- the
- mountains
- of
- North
- Georgia,
- seems
- like
- the
- kind
- of
- place
- where
- a
- person
- could
- go
- to
- for
- refuge
- from
- the
- problems
- of
- our
- modern
- world.
- At
- least,
- that's
- what
- Gideon
- and
- Jordy
- Shaw
- are
- hoping
- when
- they
- move
- there
- to
- recuperate
- from
- their
- latest
- adventure.
- Assuming
- the
- identities
- of
- two
- teachers
- at
- Absalom
- Falls
- Academy,
- an
- exclusive
- private
- boarding
- school,
- they
- make
- friends
- with
- Miles
- Liu
- and
- his
- daughter,
- Cassie,
- and
- enjoy
- their
- mundane
- lives.However,
- an
- unspeakable
- evil
- from
- the
- distant
- past
- is
- on
- the
- move
- behind
- the
- scenes,
- hidden
- beneath
- the
- tranquility
- of
- small-town
- life,
- and
- it
- is
- preparing
- to
- unleash
- the
- forces
- of
- hell
- on earth.
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