Evocatus, #3
Reeks: Evocatus
Steven J. Daniels
- Deputy
- Director
- Ryan
- Hunter
- discovers
- that
- elite
- power
- brokers
- known
- as
- The
- Ring
- have
- devised
- a
- diabolical
- plan
- called
- Operation
- Stratagem.
- The
- operation
- will
- unleash
- a
- bio-weapon
- to
- create
- a
- worldwide
- pandemic
- to
- sell
- millions
- of
- experimental
- vaccines,
- reduce
- the
- world's
- population,
- and
- establish
- a
- global
- government.Ryan
- leaves
- the
- and
- joins
- a
- clandestine
- group
- that
- includes
- a
- physician
- and
- research
- scientist,
- a
- retired
- U.S.
- Senator,
- and
- former
- and
- deputy
- directors.
- These
- dedicated
- patriots
- are
- working
- to
- stop
- Operation
- Stratagem
- and
- expose
- those
- working
- behind
- closed
- doors
- to
- bring
- the
- plan
- to
- fruition.Billionaire
- real
- estate
- developer
- James
- Dawson
- has
- risen
- in
- the
- world
- of
- health
- philanthropy.
- Dawson
- is
- the
- architect
- of
- Operation
- Stratagem
- and
- will
- launch
- the
- mission
- with
- the
- assistance
- of
- fellow
- elites,
- Ivan
- Kasca,
- the
- head
- of
- the
- Global
- Financial
- Council,
- and
- Luis
- Moreno,
- a
- philanthropic
- billionaire
- committed
- to
- destroying
- America
- from
- within.Inspired
- by
- actual
- events,
- this
- fast-paced
- political
- thriller
- follows
- Ryan
- Hunter
- and
- the
- patriots
- in
- their
- battle
- to
- stop
- The
- Ring's
- goal
- of
- imposing
- a
- dystopian
- future
- on
- the
- world.Exposing
- the
- truth
- can
- exact
- a
- horrible
- price."Operation
- Stratagem
- is
- nothing
- more
- than
- a
- planned
- overreaction
- to
- a
- seasonal
- epidemic
- to
- justify
- the
- use
- of
- an
- experimental
- vaccine
- for
- profit
- and
- population
- reduction."-
- Dr.
- Karen
- Powell,
- M.D."This
- political
- thriller
- is
- an
- incredible
- expose
- of
- the
- biopharmaceutical-pandemic
- complex."-
- Dr.
- Gavin
- Powell,
- M.D."If
- this
- book
- doesn't
- open
- your
- eyes
- to
- the
- possible
- motive
- for
- a
- worldwide
- pandemic,
- nothing
- will."-
- Former
- Deputy
- Director
- Charles Murray
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