Earthfleet Saga, #3
Reeks: Earthfleet Saga
Steven Lake
- Silent
- for
- many
- years,
- Black
- Orchid,
- a
- dark
- and
- powerful
- force
- bent
- on
- world
- domination,
- has
- risen
- again.
- For
- decades
- the
- Society
- Intelligence
- Corps
- has
- successfully
- kept
- Black
- Orchid's
- power
- in
- check.
- But
- that
- is
- all
- about
- to
- change.
- With
- recently
- stolen
- fleet
- technology
- in
- their
- grasp,
- Black
- Orchid
- now
- strives
- to
- use
- it
- to
- once
- and
- for
- all
- destroy
- the
- Society,
- and
- her
- fleet,
- and
- claim
- Earth
- for
- their own.
pro-mbooks3 : libris