From Freemasons to Nazis, Modernists to ancient heresies, it is all here, the story you were never told. Before St. John wrote his Gospel there was already a corrupting influence within Christianity, and it has been with us to this day.
Philosophy was founded on the idea that ancient barbaric customs were leading to the hubris of the mob and needed and replacing. Perhaps the first to propose a solution was Plato. While the majority of scholars today may consider themselves 'platonists,' the fact is the altar they worship is still that of the mob, it has just been dressed up with appealing soft philosophies that disguise the very sophistry Plato had condemned. Misunderstanding this, they have taken his speculations and turned them into a religion solely of the mind, an occult corrupting force. We disregard doctrine and philosophy at our own peril, it is only through these that we will see the true Adversary. To ignore is to sever religion from the very thing a religion is meant to do, to teach a moral conformity of mind to reality in the hope of an everlasting life.
Not understanding their thoughts, we have been mesmerized by meaningless philosophies, and misled by fabricated evidence. While there have been many attempts at solving the dilemma of modern culture, none will work until we see it for what it is: the sophisticated elaboration of a very ancient heresy. The true evidence is found in their own words. The history of the missing verse, 1 John 5:7, the Three Divine Witnesses, reveals it all.