A Real Good Life
Discover the Simple Moments that Bring Joy, Connection, and Love
Stevie Hendrix ; Sazan Hendrix
- Where
- are
- you
- looking
- for
- joy,
- contentment,
- and
- purpose?
- Stevie
- and
- Sazan
- Hendrix
- show
- us
- that
- the
- good
- life
- we're
- looking
- for
- won't
- be
- found
- in
- our
- latest
- purchase,
- achievement,
- or
- dream
- vacation--it's
- found
- by
- intentionally
- cultivating
- the
- simple,
- everyday
- moments
- that
- make
- up
- a
- real,
- good
- life.We
- say
- we
- want
- "the
- good
- life,"
- but
- that
- often
- leads
- us
- to
- constantly
- chase
- after
- the
- next
- thing,
- compare
- ourselves
- to
- others,
- and
- feel
- disconnected
- and
- unable
- to
- enjoy
- the
- good
- things
- that
- are
- right
- in
- front
- of
- us.
- Stevie
- and
- Sazan
- know
- what
- it's
- like
- to
- search
- for
- the
- good
- life
- and,
- having
- achieved
- "success"
- at
- a
- young
- age,
- they
- know
- firsthand
- that
- the
- success
- we
- think
- we
- want
- isn't
- what
- truly
- satisfies.Even
- as
- their
- careers
- and
- social
- media
- popularity
- grew,
- Stevie
- and
- Sazan
- were
- still
- searching
- for
- the
- good
- life,
- just
- like
- everyone
- else.
- What
- they
- discovered
- in
- that
- search
- completely
- changed
- how
- they
- lived
- their
- days––and
- by
- extension
- their
- lives.
- In
- A
- Real
- Good
- Life,
- you’ll
- join
- them
- on
- their
- journeySlow
- down
- and
- trade
- the
- endless
- cycle
- of
- striving
- and
- competing
- for
- real,
- good
- days
- filled
- with
- purposeful
- reflection,
- intentional
- focus,
- gathering
- with
- loved
- ones,
- and
- true rest.
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