

Most of us are simply too busy to notice the ropes with which society binds us. We don't so much as blink at the billions our governments spend on defending us from our enemies. We have grown so familiar with the homeless people who line our streets at night that some of us no longer even question why theirs is a problem no government has yet been able to solve. And we're so preoccupied with making sure our children do their homework that we never ask why they are being taught certain things at school.

Seeing our societies for what they really are is by no means easy. After all, the ruling class has spent thousands of years cultivating the illusion that we are free to make our own choices. We have grown up believing that we can do and say anything we like and that the decisions we make each day are the product of our own free will. But they are not. The daily choices we make are just a handful of short straws that are wafted in our general direction by a tightly clenched iron fist.

Blockchainism tells the story behind the inequity, greed, manipulation and control with which a minority dominate the world today. But it also outlines the opportunity and potential that blockchain technology could bring to our societies. It is a platform built by everyone, for everyone; a platform that embodies a philosophy of peace and harmony.

By building our way of life on the pillars of trust, transparency and fairness—the very foundations of the blockchain—we can create a very different way of living. We can bring efficiency and equity to financial transactions, taxes and public spending. We can restore hope to those who have nothing. We can put an end to hunger. And we can rid the world of disparity and war.

pro-mbooks3 : libris