Lord Darius Knight


In a tale of two disparate individuals, "A Vampire Lord and a Hopeless Heiress" follows the story of Kate Aims and Darius, whose paths collide at a lavish ballroom gala. Kate's mundane existence is shattered when she is thrust into a world of supernatural beings, forcing her to flee from both bloodthirsty creatures and merciless hunters. However, her salvation arrives in the form of the enigmatic and alluring Darius, the Vampire Lord himself. As they navigate this treacherous terrain, Darius finds himself inexplicably drawn to Kate, not only because of her blood but also her courage and resilience. He vows to protect her at all costs, even as he struggles to keep his secrets hidden. But with a blood oath keeping them apart, will Darius be able to resist his desires and the allure of the mortal world to keep his love?

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