Widows Gone Wild


Sunny Wells joined the “group no one wants to join” when her husband died of pancreatic cancer after a two-year battle. He was 55 years old. Grappling with the darkness of grief, Sunny ventured into a support group for younger widows and widowers. She listened to their stories and realized she wasn’t alone.
From this initial group emerged a circle of friends who walked through their grief together and are still walking. Slowly, they grew from days when they were unable to cope without posting a “911”—their code to confess they needed help—to a travel adventure together in Mexico. This trip solidified their turning point from fragile widows into women of resilience.
In "Widows Gone Wild," Sunny recounts how she and her friends, each at their own rate, overcame their grief and cultivated lifelong friendships. She shares wisdom from the Widows Gone Wild gently and non-judgmentally, for the bereaved and also those who want to help them.
Sunny Wells is a retired French teacher, writer, and speaker who offers hope to young bereaved widows. Besides joining her Widows Gone Wild friends on continued adventures, Sunny and her new husband love to travel and to visit their 11 grandchildren.

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