The story of Karna’s Alter Ego is based on a legend from the Indian epic Mahabharata. Does one need to be acquainted with the epic to follow this novel?
NO. All one needs to know about The Mahabharata is there was a character named Karna, who was a much-talented hero, but luck was against him all the time, from his birth until his death. Indeed, gods plotted against him so that Arjuna (another heroic character) could kill him in the final battle. This abridged version is especially meant for those who may not be well-versed with Indian mythology.
The plot is entirely set in the present time and is about a modern protagonist named Vasu, who is quite like Karna – born illegitimate, very talented but denied all credits in life, rejected in love. He begins to identify himself with Karna. Vasu misses a medal in the Asian games, gets caught for telling an innocent lie and is overlooked for promotion. And interestingly Karna appears to him after every debacle to assuage and encourage him.
It seems Vasu is Karna’s alter ego; but will he, finally, break the jinx? Will he win the endgame? This is not a mythological tale but a contemporary take on mythology.