Living at the end of an Oxygen Tube is a must-read for people on home oxygen therapy and those who care about them.
It benefits medical students and nurses who want to better understand how their patients have to adjust to home oxygen therapy. In fact anyone who works with or for a person on home oxygen will benefit from this, factual, and at times, humorous book.
Living at the end of an Oxygen Tube, Facts and Feelings, will help you understand the psychological as well as physical aspects of life at the end of an oxygen tube.
It will also help the person who is prescribed home oxygen navigate the learning curve. In the words of someone who bought and reviewed the book… "T***his is the first book I've found written by someone who shares some of the same health problems that I have. By writing this book, you are educating so many who don't know who to ask their questions to. I feel like I have a new friend in you***."
Perhaps it will do the same for you… or your caregivers.
This book is a must-read for you if you need to know you are not alone.