Identity Development of College Students
Advancing Frameworks for Multiple Dimensions of Identity
Susan R. Jones ; Elisa S. Abes
- Identity
- Development
- of
- College
- StudentsBuilding
- off
- the
- foundational
- work
- of
- Erik
- Erikson
- and
- Arthur
- Chickering,
- Identity
- Development
- of
- College
- Students
- adds
- broad
- and
- innovative
- research
- to
- describe
- contemporary
- perspectives
- of
- identity
- development
- at
- the
- intersection
- of
- context,
- personal
- characteristics,
- and
- social
- identities.
- The
- authors
- employ
- different
- theoretical
- perspectives
- to
- explore
- the
- nature
- of
- context-how
- it
- both
- influences
- and
- is
- influenced
- by
- multiple
- social
- identities.
- Each
- chapter
- includes
- discussion
- and
- reflection
- questions
- and
- activities
- for
- individual
- or
- small
- group
- work.Praise
- for
- Identity
- Development
- of
- College
- Students"Susan
- R.
- Jones
- and
- Elisa
- S.
- Abes
- have
- provided
- us
- with
- a
- comprehensive
- and
- beautifully
- written
- overview
- of
- the
- evolution
- of
- identity
- development
- theory.
- This
- book
- reads
- like
- a
- novel
- while
- at
- the
- same
- time
- conveying
- important
- ideas,
- critical
- analysis,
- and
- cutting-edge
- research
- that
- will
- enhance
- student
- affairs
- practice."
- J.
- professor,
- Student
- Affairs
- Program,
- School
- of
- Education,
- Iowa
- State
- University"The
- authors
- masterfully
- present
- a
- holistic,
- integrative,
- and
- multi-dimensional
- approach
- to
- the
- identity
- development
- of
- today's
- college
- student.
- This
- text
- should
- be
- required
- reading
- for
- those
- engaged
- in
- research
- and
- practice
- in
- the
- areas
- of
- student
- affairs,
- counseling,
- higher
- education,
- and
- cultural
- studies."
- director,
- Counseling
- Center,
- University
- of
- Maryland,
- College
- Park"Susan
- R.
- Jones
- and
- Elisa
- S.
- Abes's
- work
- is
- ground-breaking-charting
- new
- scholarly
- territory
- and
- making
- one
- of
- the
- most
- significant
- contributions
- to
- identity
- literature
- in
- many
- years.
- Building
- on
- contemporary
- and
- traditional
- theoretical
- foundations,
- Jones
- and
- Abes
- offer
- new
- models
- of
- identity
- development
- essential
- for
- understanding
- a
- diversity
- of
- college
- students."
- K.
- associate
- professor
- emerita,
- University
- of
- Maryland,
- College Park