Ask Him if He Likes Dogs: Get to Know Him Before Falling into Bed and into Love


Even after a few weeks you can know whether your hunky new man is someone to take home to Mom and Dad, or marry and have babies with. And because of all the chaos and pain that passion can create in a woman's life, it makes sense to quickly end those relationships that have no future, or at best, a painful one.

Because once you fall in love, it's hard to leave a man no matter how many red flags dance before your blinded eyes, or how bad he is for you.

We can protect ourselves from making bad choices by waiting to have sex with that man who seems so perfect. No one is perfect!

So before you lose yourself in his big strong arms, lose your head and lose your heart, find out if his flaws are ones you can overlook.

This short book gives thought-provoking and revealing questions to ask, and many things to do with each new man so you get to know him on a level that will expose his true self.

Read this book, ask him these simple questions and find out who the real man is beneath his dating mask.

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