- Jessica
- Wheaton's
- life
- takes
- a
- surreal
- turn
- when
- she
- wakes
- up
- trapped
- in
- the
- body
- of
- her
- bully,
- Denise
- Bower.As
- Jessica
- navigates
- Denise's
- dark
- world
- of
- abuse,
- addiction,
- and
- dangerous
- relationships,
- she
- confronts
- harsh
- truths
- about
- the
- person
- she
- once
- despised.Battling
- inner
- demons
- and
- external
- threats,
- Jessica
- embarks
- on
- a
- harrowing
- journey
- to
- reclaim
- her
- identity,
- uncover
- love,
- and
- defeat
- the
- very
- forces
- that
- seek
- to
- destroy
- her.A
- psychological
- thriller
- and
- dark
- fantasy
- of
- twisted
- fates
- and
- raw
- emotion,
- Enemy
- Self
- explores
- the
- depths
- of
- empathy,
- resilience,
- and self-discovery.
pro-mbooks3 : libris