The Opposite Of More Is Enough


All the proceeds raised from sales of this eBook, together with sales of the printed version will be donated to a range of programs organized by The Salvation Army and World Vision as the author deems best suited to assist in the alleviation of world Starvation, Hunger and Poverty.

The opposite of more is enough is a wonderful combination of true stories, scriptures, poetry, anecdotes and facts that have left many of the contributors with the knowledge that God has been busy in their lives in a way that has changed outcomes sometimes with complete surprise.

We are often painted a picture by the world of a God who does not do enough for people. Yet the consensus that has come through from stories told is that God does in fact love the world and we do not really need more of anything because we already have enough and that God uses everything that happens to us in life, even the bad things, to weave our life into a tapestry which to us looks like a jumble of different coloured ends, yet when we get an occasional glimpse at what he is doing it looks to be sufficient (ENOUGH).

The author shows us, through well researched facts, how hunger, starvation and poverty are decimating many countries and that a great deal of waste has and still is occurring in both developed and undeveloped countries.

However, there are two questions asked as challenges.

(a) If we do have enough then why are so many people suffering?

(b) What can we do to alleviate world suffering?

The author makes it clear that we who have enough (even if we don’t think we have) can’t just do nothing. Nothing is not an option!

In fact, we are given a list of ten things we can do as a challenge, some of these do not cost money, gifts or time and those that do cost only as much as you want to contribute.

The UN have a set of 17 sustainable goals that it aims to realise by 2030 and the author feels that if we all do something from the ten choices given that these goals are achievable.

That means in TEN YEARS ONLY, NO Starvation, No Hunger, No Poverty, No Climate Change.

In the words of John Lennon IMAGINE.

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