Unseen and Unheard


"Unseen and Unheard" is a psychological thriller about Lily, a brilliant but neglected girl trapped in a harsh and abusive home. Despite her achievements in school, Lily's parents show no affection, causing her to seek solace in her studies and dreams of a better life. Things take a dark turn when her older cousin Jake arrives, offering her kindness and sparking an unhealthy obsession.

Lily soon discovers that her family is part of a dangerous criminal organization, and the neglect she faced was a way to keep her distracted from uncovering their secrets. When Jake reveals the family's dark involvement, Lily's world spirals into chaos. She and Jake must run for their lives while trying to expose the family's crimes. As they gather evidence, they are pursued by her family, culminating in dangerous confrontations that challenge Lily's strength and resilience.

The story explores themes of family betrayal, obsession, and survival in the face of overwhelming danger. It's a tense narrative of how Lily transforms from a neglected child into someone determined to uncover the truth and escape the dark legacy of her family.

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