A body with bite marks. A secret identity. A priceless stamp gone missing.
It was a perfect summer morning. Coffee. Shopping. Murder—wait—why does this keep happening to Emma? The new sheriff would sure like to know. He suspects everyone, as long as they're innocent.
To protect her neighbors, Emma must solve the case first. She's caught killers before. With her growing psychic powers, and some ghostly help, it should be a piece of cake.
But this body is bloodless. The neck has two puncture wounds. A mirror lies shattered beside it. Nobody can agree if it's murder, or the work of a bloodsucking field. Tensions overboil as the Friends of the Library go to war with the Friends of the Museum and hurl pieces of cake like cannonballs at the battle of the bake sales.
Meanwhile, in the shadows, a mastermind looks on and smiles. Their patient hands have waited for years. Now they lift them to strike.
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